
I see

I see, I see boundless boundless blue sky overhead. Philosophy for those who think the writer has his reverie, who has been passionate, stating that his relentless ...... However, I know, I know it can not touch the vault of heaven just some of the gas.
I saw, I saw at the foot of boundless earth. Poets praise it vast, Thanksgiving it gives farmers the fruits of harvest, the rulers care too much about it ...... but, I know, I know it in the vastness of the universe less than a grain of sand.
I see, I see people talk about love. Religion it is forbidden fruit, Confucius said that love is confused, stating that his romantic literature but can not speak sad that people Weiaichikuang madness, carried away for love, but I know, I know that love is natural for humans to reproduce and to set the endless of a people often lose their senses, arouses bother, but breathtaking program.
I saw, I saw the beautiful flowers, green grass, I see the fish cruising in water and air to fly. People praise them, people praise them. However, I know, I know, never been a matter of fact people love their children so as to truly care of those delicate spirits, people have been hurting with them, or even attempt to make them die.
I saw, I saw mountains of mountains, I saw the river flowing slowly east. The mountain people known as "Yue", to show reverence, one to the water known as the "milk" to show gratitude. However, I know, I know that Hill has been deserted, it has become the turbidity of water.
I see, I see people enraptured to talk about the Great Wall winding. People call it the pride of a nation, calling it the miracle of the world's architectural history. However, I know, I know that pride is behind the endless suffering and tears of blood, below the base of this miracle is the foundation of countless ghost's bones made.Chinese Antique
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